Quant model portfolios in T-Advisor by investor's profile

Quant model portfolios: a T-Advisor investment guide


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Particular investors do not have often much time to monitor their investments. Sometimes, they open the software, play a bit with orders, buy this, sell that… but without a methodology, a periodical systematic and the right tools to obtain the required information to take the best decisions, this investor is possibly wasting time and losing money. But what about if you have in your investment tool a reference to follow? These are the quant model portfolios in T-Advisor. Quant relates to quantitative analysis. This methodology is based on complex mathematic-in-finance calculations to measure risks, performances and volatilities. It provides a tool to analyse the best assets to invest. T-Advisor has at users’ disposal 9 different quant model portfolios in two different groups. The first ones, depending from the investor’s profile: Quant model portfolios in T-Advisor by investor's profile The second ones, depending from the market: Quant model portfolios in T-Advisor by market As invertor and T-Advisor user, you can choose between your own portfolios or simply following these models. What are the main advantages? Our experts design these portfolios choosing different countries and currencies. Moreover, every option provides an optimal asset allocation depending your own interests or profile. Our Research Department works hard amongst wide databanks to find trends and correlations. At the end, you obtain an active management not perceiving it. Of course, these portfolios are not static, but they are revised and rebalanced every two months. The results of this intense work are shown in the next chart. None of our model portfolios registered losses and all of them have a low to moderate volatility. Performances quant model portfolios

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