Portfolio optimizer: a tool to improve your investments Discover 13 March 2014 , No hay comentarios Investors organise efficiently their portfolios to obtain the highest returns, but a portfolio has to be followed up, because some adjustments are sometimes necessary. The problem is how to detect the best changes to get the profit goals. That is why T-Advisor developed the tool “Optimizer” for this target. In the Optimizer, the investor can choose the expected return and volatility depending the term (shorter or longer), as the percentage of acceptable volatility and the weight limits per assets. Clicking on the “optimize” button brings the results. From the beginning point and the chosen settings, the tool calculates different parameters. The efficient frontier is a visual comparison between the current position and the optimal one, linking volatility and performance. The investor can also learn which assets should be changed in their weight to optimize the returns. At the end, investors have a helpful tool to adjust their portfolio and adapt their assets to the changing market. What are the main advantages of this tool? Well, first of all, it lets combine different risk limits (volatilities) with different terms of expected returns. The result is that the investor can choose amongst different possibilities depending his or her interests or circumstances. Secondly, it is helpful to discover correlated and non-correlated assets. With this information, the investor can reduce the risks and maximize the returns. Moreover, the tool lets the investor decide about which positions should be enlarged and which should be reduced to obtain the targeted performance. To sum up, T-Advisor Optimizer is an easy visual tool that reports the investor about the changes to be done in the portfolio to get the best results. The main advantage is that the tool has different settings available so that the investor can choose which one fix to their particular requirements: the freedom in one click.