Track the market opportunities with the new T-Advisor tool Discover 30 April 2014 , No hay comentarios “T-Advisor market opportunities” is a tool that shows some good options in different international markets that our system has detected through quantitative criteria. The investor can track the market opportunities found in the last 10 weeks. If he or she reviews the opportunities of this period, the information displayed is always updated. What does it mean? T-Advisor is active and shows steadily the last figures. Amongst the provided data, the system proposes entry prices and stop-losses for these opportunities. The defined entry price is the activation price for the tool: if the share reaches that point, T-Advisor acts as it has bought it and takes a “long” position. We have already written about it. This information is very interesting for investors, as they have an immediate reference about the prices to be considered for their investments. But what about the subsequent evolution? T-Advisor reports about the dates for the maximum benefit and the 5%-10%-15% targets, always with the reference of the entry price. With this information, the investor has the real data about how much he or she could have earned if the share entry price had been considered. He or she has also a reference for the position trend. Let’s do a practical exercise: take a look at Bradesco in the pictures above. The current price is €10.76 and the entry price was €9.96. In the first picture, it is possible to see that the 5% target was reached at April, the 4th, but the share kept on increasing till April, the 8th, when the 10% target was also beat. Why is it a help for the investor? Because it reports automatically about some psychological points. Moreover, it provides direct information without efforts. The investor has no need to calculate, but the system gives it to him or her. Again, T-Advisor designs practical solution to track your investments.