T-Advisor tools: a suite for investment success Discover 15 May 2014 , No hay comentarios Investors are always worried about how to manage their assets to obtain the best results to achieve their financial goals. T-Advisor is the suite that fits to do it. We have been writing for six months about some of our tools. What are they? First of all, T-Advisor is a suite focused in portfolio management. A portfolio has many advantages, as it lets the investor allocate different assets, organize its goals and rely on a passive style. After creating the portfolio, T-Advisor offers some tools to improve the management and the results: Smart benchmark: It mixes the different indexes benchmarks in the proportion you have in the portfolio and obtains a composite benchmark. Very useful to know if you are on track. Portfolio score: A personal reference that reports about the quality of our investments related to some measures, as risks, performance, diversification and trend. Value at risk and diversification benefit: an investor has to be always aware about the risk of losing. Value a risk defines the probability of losing money in a period and diversification benefits measures the risk difference between having or not a diversified portfolio. Optimizer: a tool to adjust the investment goals and discover the assets to change to get that aim. Alerts: our tool warns about different situations for our assets, as stop-loss or trend change. In T-Advisor, we think that information and figures are the main resources for investors, but this data without processing are not useful. T-Advisor organizes these resources to help the investor take decisions. Another main strong points in T-Advisor have to do with resources that help the investor find new opportunities: Investment alternatives: T-Advisor has three ways to find new chances to improve investors’ results: the T-Report, the investment ideas tool and the investment opportunities warnings. T-Advisor also reports about the dates for the maximum benefit and the 5%-10%-15% targets, always with the reference of the system entry price. Model portfolios: our system has 9 different model portfolios depending the markets or the investor profile, which are reviewed and rebalanced every two months. Finally, T-Advisor has also a special development for financial advisors and for professional uses. The main strength is the financial planning tool for their customers. Is this the end? Absolutely. T-Advisor has still more tools and functionalities to discover their users. We will continue showing them.