Market opportunities by T-Advisor: Commonwealth Bank of Australia Market Opportunities 8 July 2014 , No hay comentarios T-Advisor, through its tool Market Opportunities, has detected the company Commonwealth Bank of Australia, listed in the Australian stock exchange, as an opportunity for investment. These are the main figures about performances and volatility in the last years: The technical analysis reveals also more data: The chart shows the evolution i the last year: Finally, the risk analysis is as follows: The Commonwealth Bank of Australia is one of the “big four” national entities and the second biggest company in market capitalization in the local stock exchange. It offers the whole range of financial services, from banking to investments and insurances. Incomes last full year ended the 30th June 2013 summed up AUD 18.165 million, a 6% more than the former year. Net income increased a 10% in the same period, till AUD 7.714 million. The bank share has doubled in the market in the last 5 years.