T-Advisor new improvements: a continuous evolution Discover 12 September 2014 , No hay comentarios T-Advisor is a suite of advanced and professional financial tools accessible to all kind of people. Our commitment is clear: to make easier investments for everyone. This engagement is also related with a continuous review and improvement of our solutions. We did not stop in summer. These are the results. First of all, we are very focused on the usability of our tools. We have included some new changes to increase the flexibility and the versatility for the users. The speed is also higher. We have implemented these changes in My Portfolio module. When you create a new portfolio, options and filters have been improved to make the process and the searches easier. Other new important change implemented in T-Advisor was the cloning tool in our Model Portfolios module. What does it mean? T-Advisor has 9 different model portfolios: 5 ETF portfolios depending the risk profile and 5 share portfolios depending the market. They are rebalanced every two months and they have always obtained positive results. We make it available the chance to our users to copy them with a simple click. Just choose the icon on the right side and a new screen will appear. Write a name and the amount to invest in this portfolio. As you will check, we are engage in keeping on improving our suite for you. The aim is that you receive the best financial information with the best, flexible and usable tools.