Market opportunities by T-Advisor: Keyence Corporation Market Opportunities 22 September 2014 , No hay comentarios T-Advisor, through its tool Market Opportunities, has detected the company Keyence, listed in Tokyo, as an opportunity for investment. These are the main figures about performances and volatility in the last years: The technical analysis reveals also more data: The chart shows the evolution i the last year: Finally, the risk analysis is as follows: Since 1974, Keyence focuses its business in the development and manufacturing of industrial automation and inspection equipment worldwide. Its products consist of code readers, laser markers, machine vision systems, measuring systems, microscopes, sensors, and static eliminators. The company serves its products in 70 different countries. Keyence is also in the Forbes 100 World’s Most Innovative companies list. Revenues in fiscal year 2013-2014 increased 21.6%, till ¥265,010 million, and net income also jumped a 27.1%, till ¥85,904 million. The stock has experienced a high development since the summer 2012 and the share price doubles currently that moment.