Market opportunities by T-Advisor: Orion Corporation Market Opportunities 14 October 2014 , No hay comentarios T-Advisor, through its tool Market Opportunities, has detected the company Orion Corporation, listed in Helsinki Stock Exchange, as an opportunity for investment. These are the main figures about performances and volatility in the last years: The technical analysis reveals also more data: The chart shows the evolution i the last year: Finally, the risk analysis is as follows: Founded in 1917, Orion is a Finnish company which develops, manufactures and markets pharmaceuticals, active pharmaceutical ingredients and diagnostic tests for global markets. It also produces veterinarian products. Pharmaceutical R&D focuses on central nervous system drugs, oncology and critical care drugs, and pulmonary drugs. Orion’s main market is Finland, where it is the clear market leader. Orion’s products are marketed in over a hundred countries. Net sales in 2013 summed up €1,006.9 million, a 2.7% more than in 2012. Almost three quarters of these sales comes from abroad. Net profit slightly reduced -0.4%, till €206.2 million. In the last five years, sales and profits increase more than 30%. In the same period, the share multiplied three times.