Red Eléctrica Española main figures in T-Advisor

Market opportunities by T-Advisor: Red Eléctrica Española

Market Opportunities

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T-Advisor, through its tool Market Opportunities, has detected the company Red Eléctrica Española, listed in Madrid Exchange, as an opportunity for investment. These are the main figures about performances and volatility in the last years: Red Eléctrica Española main figures in T-Advisor The technical analysis reveals also more data: Red Eléctrica Española technical analysis in T-Advisor The chart shows the evolution i the last year: Red Eléctrica Española chart in T-Advisor Finally, the risk analysis is as follows: Red Eléctrica Española risk analysis in T-Advisor Red Eléctrica Española is the transmission system operator for electricity in Spain. The company is a holding with international presence in Portugal and South America. Founded in 1985, the main shareholders are the main Spanish energy suppliers, but it is listed since the 90’s. Company revenues in 2013 slighty increased a 0.2%, till € 1,75 bn. Net profit summed up € 529 million, a 7.5% more. The share has increased a 33% this year, but the market capitalisation more than doubled since 2012.

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