Market opportunities by T-Advisor: Corporación Financiera Alba Market Opportunities 9 March 2015 , No hay comentarios T-Advisor, through its tool Market Opportunities, has detected the company Corporación Financiera Alba, listed in Madrid Stock Exchange as an opportunity for investment. These are the main figures about performances and volatility in the last years: The chart shows the evolution in the last year: The technical analysis reveals also more data: Finally, the risk analysis is as follows: Alba Financial Corporation is an investment holding company established in 1986 and listed in Spain. The company is part of the March Group, a leading business and financial Spanish family-owned group in which Banca March and the Fundación Juan March are also integrated. The Group’s strategic investments, excluding those within the financial and insurance sectors, are made via Alba. 83% of invested capital is in listed companies, as Acerinox, ACS, Clínica Baviera, Ebro Foods, Indra, Antevenio, BME y Viscofán. The sum of the revenues from shares and another incomes in 2013 was €300 million, against € -261 million from last year. Net profit was €226.9 million, against €299.4 million losses in 2012.