Profiling investors: findings from BlackRock surveys News 12 March 2015 , No hay comentarios BlackRock is the biggest fund manager in the world. In the last years, it has conducted surveys in different countries around the world to obtain the main features from investors. If we take some of the insights, we may find several interesting figures: Cash is king. It is surprising that cash is the main asset in such proportion. For instance, 59% in LatAm, 63% in US, 51% in Asia, 58% in Spain… and 76% in Germany. In LatAm, 70% plan to add more cash in the next year. That’s quite a lot everywhere. Why investors are still reluctant to invest in other assets? This is a question that the financial and advisory branch has to discuss. Generally speaking, all are more optimistic than pessimistic about their financial future. Let’s see: 52% in US, 74% in LatAm, 64% in Asia, 54% in Germany. But it is interesting to mention that the rate is only 23% in Japan and 47% in Europe (38% in Spain). In contrast, Indians are optimistic in 81%. These figures show also opportunities. The branch has to bet for more optimistic countries to sell their products and solutions and have to work harder in more pessimistic countries trying to remove former ideas. What about retirement? Only 59% Americans are saving for it. It is to underline that the proportion is 57% of Gen X (between 37 and 49 years old) and… 60% of millennials (between 25 and 36). Surprisingly, young Americans are saving. That means that they already are target for the branch. The proportion of savers is higher in Asia: 69% average, with peaks in China (74%) and lows in Japan (42%). In LatAm, the percentage is 67%, in Germany, 65%, in Spain, 47%. There is also here a chance for advisory in these countries. And finally, what is the perception about advisers? 35% of Asians are advised in their finances with a high satisfaction. The proportion falls till 17% in LatAm (likewise very satisfied), 25% in Spain, it is also low in Germany. There is no figure for US, although it is supposed to be higher than in other countries. The chances to grow are also very relevant. This kind of surveys is interesting to detect the general investor sentiment and find business opportunities for the advisory branch. It is also useful to open a debate about how to reach the customers and discover them the advantages of investing and planning their finances. Note: Picture from BlackRock Investor Pulse Survey 2014. Page 12.