Market opportunities by T-Advisor: Hong Kong Electric Market Opportunities 13 April 2015 , No hay comentarios T-Advisor, through its tool Market Opportunities, has detected the company Hong Kong Electric, listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, as an opportunity for investment. These are the main figures about performances and volatility in the last years: The chart shows the evolution in the last year: The technical analysis reveals also more data: Finally, the risk analysis is as follows: Hong Kong Electric Holdings Limited, today Power Assets Holdings Limited, is the holding company of gas and electric business subsidiaries and participated companies. The holding has interests in several power related businesses in Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Netherlands, New Zealand, Thailand and United Kingdom. In 2013, the holding completed a spin-off in the ownership of the Hong Kong electricity business to expand abroad and in different sources (gas, electricity, renewables). As a result of the spin-off, the holding obtain cash of HK$ 59 bn. This is the reason because the profit attributable to shareholders increased 446%, till HK$61,005 million. Excluding this one-time gain, the holding’s profits had been HK$8,077 million (2013: HK$11,165 million), dropped by 28%, mainly due to a reduction of its share in the Hong Kong electricity business from 100% to 49.9% and deferred tax credits arising from the lowering of the UK corporate tax rate from 23% to 20% in 2013. The share price increased a 36% since the beginning of 2014.