Regional global trends in T-Advisor

Global market trends: markets in the second quarter

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Trends in the second quarter of the year have been dominated by the Greek crisis. After the election of left-wing party Syriza, Greece and the UE tightened the negotiations about the payment of the debt. The result is already known: Greece defaulted the IMF. The crisis is not only for the Greeks, but also for the whole European system, as one of the partners of the Euro did not follow the established rules. What will be the next? Referendum in Greece? Grexit? New elections? The future is more open than ever. We can read several articles in the media with both positions blaming the troika and the Greek government for the current situation. Regional global trends in T-Advisor Generally speaking, there are some differences between the market evolution in US and Asia, on one side, and Europe and Latam, on the other side. The evolution in Europe swung depending the news around Greece, what has altered a regular trend: sudden ups and downs happened when somebody came with a new statement or rumour. Above all, investors in Greece did not experience the best results, as this T-Advisor chart shows: 5-year Greek stock exchange evolution In Latam, the troubles in the stock exchanges are linked with the strength of the dollar. These countries are very dependant from commodities and exports are being punished by the strong greenback, that rises against all currencies as the Euro weakens and the US Federal Reserve considers hiking rates. The more positive regions are US and Asia, but the improvement in the markets has also shadows. Asia is the region where there are more alerts. The overheated Chinese stock exchange in this year has begun to fall severely. Recent measures, as a rate cut, were not enough. Shanghai has felt a 25% since the peak on June, the 12th, and the effects are still to watch. 5-year Shanghai stock exchange evolution Finally, US plays with strong figures and the stock exchanges are counting them. However, there are still doubts about a possible rate hike, because the Federal Reserve stated that they need more evidences about the improvement of the labour market. The next job reports in US can be decisive to preview the chances of an increase of the rates, which will can move strongly all markets (stocks, debt and currencies). Well, investor, be ready, because the road has bends.

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