Tupras main figures in T-Advisor

Market opportunities by T-Advisor: Tupras

Market Opportunities

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T-Advisor, through its tool Market Opportunities, has detected the company Tupras, listed in IMKB Istanbul, as an opportunity for investment. These are the main figures about performances and volatility in the last years: Tupras main figures in T-AdvisorThe chart shows the evolution in the last year: Tupras chart in T-Advisor The technical analysis reveals also more data: Tupras technical analysis in T-Advisor Finally, the risk analysis is as follows: Tupras risk analysis in T-Advisor Tupras is the only oil refiner and the largest industrial company in Turkey. It owns 4 refineries in the country. Tupras controls the Turkish refining capacity and a 59% of the total petroleum products storage capacity. As a group, it owns also the majority in the shipping company Ditas and the petrol retailer Opet. Formerly a stated-owned company, it is listed with the 49% of its capital. Revenues in 2015 decreased a 15.9%, till USD 18.1 million. The year profit, however, grew a 6.6%, till USD 0.67 million. The share price has doubled since January 2014.

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