T-Advisor tools: screen to create your portfolio

The tools that you need to invest efficiently with your portfolio


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Think about that you have a portfolio. Fine, you have organised your financial target into a structured composition of stocks, bonds or any asset that agrees your investor profile. However, you are a motivated investor and have interest in monitoring, improving, analysing… and you do not find the right tools to do it. What kind of tools do you need? First of all, you need a platform that lets you easily create your portfolio with simple steps and implement your assets from your own Excel file or directly on the system. It is important that you can select properly your profile since the very beginning. T-Advisor tools: screen to create your portfolio Once you have created your portfolio and included the assets, you need to monitor and analyse it. It is not only about different timeframes for performance or volatility, but also an analysis of the diversification and the risks. As investor, you should take into account that one of the main goals is capital preservation. This means that a right investment strategy should outperform the benchmark in bull periods and have substantially less losses in bear periods. Diversification benefit, which assets contribute more to risk or a comparison with the composite benchmark (or smart benchmark, as it is denominated in T-Advisor) are useful tools for it. T-Advisor risk analysis screen This analysis should also include a graphical analysis of the allocation to understand the risk concentration in different concepts. T-Advisor asset allocation analysis And finally, what refers to analysis and monitoring, you should have access to a kind of scoring to perceive the quality of your portfolio and some suggestions to improve it. T-Advisor scoring and suggestions screen In the case of you perceive that your portfolio needs an improvement, your platform should include a tool to analyse where the troubles come from and optimise the results. The optimisation has to propose an efficient frontier for the portfolio allocation and a proposal of what changes you should implement.

T-Advisor optimiser tool

Efficient frontier optimisation in T-Advisor And, last but not least, you need an alert system to react when there are deep movements in the markets that affect your portfolio. Your platform should also provide you a system to set the alerts depending your own needs. Alerts setting in T-Advisor T-Advisor is your alternative to create, monitor, optimise and modify efficiently your portfolio in a self-directed way. There are many platforms, but they usually have less tools or under payment. You can choose T-Advisor for free to feel the investment experience and control your finances on your own.

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