Market opportunities by T-Advisor: DSM
T-Advisor, through its tool Market Opportunities, has detected the company DSM, listed in Euronext Amsterdam as an opportunity for investment.
These are the main figures about performances and volatility in the last years:
The chart shows the evolution in the last year:

The technical analysis reveals also more data:

Finally, the risk analysis is as it follows:

DSM is a multinational Dutch corporation specialised in the fields of nutrition, health and materials. Originally a mining state-owned company, it evolved to a chemical enterprise that has focused in special ingredients for feed and food, personal care and industrial materials, amongst others.
DSM net sales in 2015 reached 8.9 bn euros, a 3.74% less than in 2014. Ebitda improved slightly up to 1,170 million euros, a 0.3% more. Finally, the profit excluiding exceptional items decreased a 7%, up to 92 million euros. The net profit per share was 0.45 euros.
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