T-Advisor gets more social with new recommendation asset tools Discover 9 June 2016 , No hay comentarios A year ago, T-Advisor faced a great evolution with the 3.0 version. A user-friendly look and feel, new tools and innovations and, above all, the creation of a financial community. These breakthroughs have opened new possibilities and we have answered to them. The exchange of ideas is one of the great demands amongst the users of every financial solution. Nobody wants to feel alone. We prefer to share our knowledge, experiences and ideas. This is the point of our recent evolution in T-Advisor 3.0. We get more social and promote the exchange of recommendations. How? A new asset report with recommendation options Don’t worry! We keep our T-Report, but we show the assets with a more attractive and easy-to-understand design. You can include the asset in your own portfolios clicking on the portfolio icon or just follow its evolution clicking on the chart icon. In addition, you can recommend buying or selling the asset. Follow-up of other users’ recommendations All your followers will receive an alert in their notification inbox when you do any bullish or bearish recommendation. In the lower modules of the asset report, you will also find the user that makes a recommendation. If you click on your user profile, you can watch all your recommendations with statistics and filters to select the information. A specific tab with all recommendations The module “Investment ideas” enlarge the contents with a tab for all recommendations made by our users. You can select buy and sell proposals and the asset category. There are two rankings: the most recommended assets and the users that recommend better. Our social features in the beginning are still there: ratings for users and portfolios, users medal and score portfolio rankings, the chance of following other users, amongst others, as we already commented in former posts. If you are already a T-Advisor user, let’s begin sharing. Recommend your favourite assets or warn about your worst selections. If you are not a user yet, we invite you to discover our community where self-directed investors are ready to share their knowledge and apply the best advance investment tools to obtain the best results. That happens only in a platform: T-Advisor!