Technip main figures in T-Advisor

Market opportunities by T-Advisor: Technip

Market Opportunities

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T-Advisor, through its tool Market Opportunities, has detected the company Technip, listed in Euronext Paris, as an opportunity for investment. These are the main figures about performances and volatility in the last years: Technip main figures in T-Advisor The chart shows the evolution in the last year: Technip chart in T-Advisor The technical analysis reveals also more data: Technip technical analysis in T-AdvisorFinally, the risk analysis is as it follows: Technip risk analysis in T-Advisor Technip S.A. is a company that carries out project management, engineering and construction for the energy industry. It has about 38,000 employees and operates in 48 countries. It is listed since the 90s and it is part of the Paris benchmark index CAC 40. Revenues in 2015 increased slightly 2.62%, up to €10.3 bn, compared with 2016, while the profit dropped a 71%, up to €173.2 million in the same period. The share suffered in 2014 and 2015 a negative trend, but it has registered a positive wave since the beginning of 2016.

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