Weekly market opportunities in T-Advisor: the best on November, 7th Market Opportunities 7 November 2017 , No hay comentarios T-Advisor updates weekly a list of market opportunities from several stocks exchanges around the world. We sum up a selection of the best ones: EUROPE AB InBev (EURONEXT BRUSSELS 100): Leading positions in the most important beer profit pools in the world, through a combination of solid organic growth and selected, value enhancing acquisitions and combinations. Following a clear Focus Brands strategy in which the majority of their resources are devoted to those brands which they believe have the greatest long-term growth potential. AMERICA Industrial alliance inssurance and financial services Inc (TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE): Founded in 1892, iA Financial Group offers a comprehensive range of life and health insurance products, savings and retirement plans (RRSP, TFSA, etc.), mutual and segregated funds, securities, auto and home insurance, mortgages and car loans as well as a host of other financial products and services. ASIA-PACIFIC Housing Dev (BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE): HDIL is a public listed real estate company in India with shares traded on the BSE & NSE Stock Exchanges. HDIL group has completed more than 100 million sq.ft of construction in all verticals of real estate and has rehabilitated around 30,000 families in last one decade. With operations spanning every aspect of the real estate business, from residential, commercial and retail projects, to slum rehabilitation to land development, Find more opportunities from the main exchanges in the world on our module “Market opportunities” in T-Advisor.