transformación digital Asesoramiento financiero

Digital transformation and its impact on investment management


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The impact of technology has gone beyond expectations and has driven the growth of a new and disruptive industry called FinTechs, in the light of helping the financial sector to adopt the new digital revolution, and move ahead from the idea that investing was “left” to the experts, this was due in part to the lack of visibility around charges, technical jargon and restricted access to financial information. The millennial generation along with their great level of independence and constantly searching for financial information using their mobile phone or tablet has to lead to the development of new initiatives impacting other generations on to use new solutions, changing the business model and focus of financial institutions.

Key ingredients when thinking about your digital transformation strategy

  • The real value is on customer experience: Digital transformation has become the main focus for any industry, and the financial sector has taken the lead to adapt to these changes and adapt the current market.
  • Customers behaviour has change: When embracing change the only way to benefit from it is on making sure we adapt it to the way our customers are changing, in which the frequency and amount of digital devices has shown an exponential growth, along with the use of multiple devices at the same time and also the importance of digital reputation for any brand.
  • More transparency: The investment world has shown a growth beyond expected due to platforms like My T-Advisor, that have given access to a full set of free and easy to use tools that include financial information and analysis to make better decisions.

So… is technology a problem or an opportunity for financial advisers?

Without a doubt a very tricky question, where the adaptability and speed in which we embrace change will play a key role on the outcome, spawning new business models, keeping a financial advisor more prepared, client-oriented and constant communication with the customer, with a proper use of technology in order to adapt to the market demands. The digital transformation phenomenon as any other change drives fear, and uncertainty on professional opportunities for financial advisors but this only means a change in focus and tasks, and take technology as a tool that is opening new markets and opportunities to people that previously did not have a limited access to financial products that could give better results with the proper implementation.

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