T-Advisor Lite, new tools based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to get high-quality data Discover 17 May 2019 , No hay comentarios We have always believed that investing is not only for experts. We believe that individuals have the right to manage their own finance, and we use technology to achieve it. At www.mytadvisor.com, we have developed new set tools that want to create a new type of community with tools based on artificial intelligence and machine learning similar to the ones used by professional advisors that can give new investment ideas. My T-Advisor shows once again it’s innovative core. The Robo-Advisor for smart self-directed investors launched a new interface based on AI and Machine learning, This new customer-centric interface has major improvements in usability, looking to create a more simple investment experience from any device. With the new T-Advisor Lite you will have, at a glance, all relevant information about your portfolio’s evolution and will be able to check with an interactive tool, the trend in different time periods. Also, this new type of financial community uses artificial intelligence, algorithms and machine learning to provide information about other assets in which people, with the same financial profile as you, are also investing. This was done by carefully analyzing the investment patterns of a community of more than 35.000 users and find new investment opportunities. The model that was created allows us to cross-match all portfolios and find the most suitable asset for each user, taking into consideration not only the asset type but also each investment strategy and tolerance for risk. My T-Advisor is a suite of advanced Wealth Management tools to monitor your personal finances, make better decisions, improve your performance and reduce risk. The tool was developed by TechRules, FinTech leader with more than 20 years of experience. The new T-Advisor Lite uses an intuitive and innovative design that will ease the decision-making process for every investor.