Weekly market opportunities in T-Advisor: the best on May, 20th Market Opportunities 23 May 2019 , No hay comentarios T-Advisor updates weekly a list of market opportunities from several stocks exchanges around the world. We sum up a selection of the best ones: EUROPE Amplifon (MERCATO CONTINUO ITALIANO): Amplifon, is a hearing care retail market with 16,000 employees worldwide. The Group operates through a network of around 11,000 points of sale in 29 Countries and 5 continents. Amplifon, headquartered in Milan (Italy), is listed on the Italian Stock Exchange – STAR Segment – since 2001 and entered the FTSE MIB Index in December 2018. AMERICA Coca-Cola (NYSE US COMPOSITE): The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO) is a total beverage company, offering over 500 brands in more than 200 countries and territories. The company has 133 years of history with headquarters in Atlanta, GA. In 2018 they reported $31.9B in net operation revenue, $7.1B returned to shareowners in dividends and net share repurchase in 2018, $202.1B in market capitalisation as of 31/12/2018. ASIA-PACIFIC Cochlear (AUSTRALIA STOCK EXCHANGE): Cochlear is a global leader in implantable hearing solutions commenced operations in 1981 as part of the Nucleus group and in 1995, listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. Today, Cochlear is a Top 50 listed Australian company with a market capitalisation of over A$10 billion. Cochlear’s global headquarters are on the campus of Macquarie University in Sydney, with regional headquarters in Asia-Pacific, Europe and the Americas. Cochlear has a deep geographical reach, selling in over 100 countries, with a direct presence in over 30 countries and a global workforce of over 3,500 employees. Find more opportunities from the main exchanges in the world on our module “Market opportunities” in T-Advisor.