Discover the new changes on the email communications Discover 16 August 2020 , No hay comentarios At this point, you already know what GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is. These acronyms respond to the new regulations of the data for all European citizens. In this regards, we want to focus on how we send communications by email. At T-Advisor, our commitment has always been to comply with the law and give you the users the best service we can. For this reason, we have made some changes to the email communications. We refer to: Portfolio report. Follow up of your portfolio. Alerts. This change allows us to give total control to customer side. New registered user should configure the reports sendings and alerts. Although we know that it is not comfortable, each user must configure their reports and alerts that they want to receive. We wanted to give you some tips on how to configure each of the different emails. Report and Follow-up: These two are different emails you receive. For the first one, we attach a “.pdf” file with some advanced information about the portfolio. For example: Valuation Asset allocation Detailed Closed Positions Profit/Loss Medium-term performance Performance (GIPS) Charts Absolute Risk The other email, “ Follow-up” is a simpler email. This email also includes a “.pdf” file and it shows information about, portfolio valuation, score and some details about Diversification, Trend, Risk, and Returns. If you want to deactivate them just: Select the portfolio you wish to apply the changes. Click on icon Finally, you only have to choose which of them you want to receive or not. And then click on “Save”. My Alerts: This module allows you to notify some important alerts on your portfolios, new investment opportunities, trend changes, model changes, portfolio positive or negative returns, etc. If you want to deactivate just: Look for the module “My Alerts” on the right side of the platform. Click on the icon You can activate or deactivate the alerts you want to receive. Once you have decided which alerts you wish to receive, confirm if you want to receive them by email or not. Finally, confirm clicking “Save”. Check the full details on the infographic below