
by My T-Advisor

Data Mining in the Financial Industry

The financial environment is a highly competitive area in which information is a very valuable component. Rather than simply focusing on data processing, it is becoming more and more indispensable to rely on innovation as well as innovative processes. By...
technical analysis

Country report

by My T-Advisor

Benefits and uses of the technical analysis

There is a constant debate between the two major schools of thought for financial analysis to which one is better, the technical or fundamental analysis? They both have a different approach of analysis and forecasting the market. One of them...
encuentre los mejores valores en su plataforma independiente

Country report

by My T-Advisor

Denmark, Steady growth,

Country Report Denmark valuable natural resources, and despite being a country relatively small in terms of population, the fact that has one of the world’s highest incomes per-capita makes it a very interesting market for investors seeking new opportunities, in addition,...
untitled (14)


by admin

Discover the new changes on the email communications

  At this point, you already know what GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is. These acronyms respond to the new regulations of the data for all European citizens. In this regards, we want to focus on how we send communications...
post riesgo


by My T-Advisor

VaR and its use to measure risk

When talking about investments portfolio, immediately we come across with the concept of Value at Risk (VaR). A specific indicator with different calculation methods to analyse risk. Because of its importance to the portfolio investment methodology, we have made a...