News 16 December 2013 by My T-Advisor Bullish mood in stock markets for 2014 After a quite good year in the financial markets, with good figures and profits, the question emerges: what about next year? Will it be better, worse or as good as 2013? Analysts are quite optimistic in their forecasts for 2014....
Discover 12 December 2013 by My T-Advisor Do you dare to improve your investment performance with T-Advisor? T-Advisor, the advance suite to manage investment portfolios, intends to provide its advantages to the widest range of investors and financial advisors. Our tool was designed thinking about the individuals’ needs and the most possible easiness to use it, so...
T-Advisorpedia 5 December 2013 by My T-Advisor Liquidity and volatility, inverse relationship Finance markets have a steady factor to be considered: risk. When we invest our money in any asset, we take a risk, because it is not given for sure that the value will increase so much as we expect. Even...
News 2 December 2013 by My T-Advisor Investment chances playing with currencies Exchange rate between Euro and Dollar is far from being stable. When the Euro began in the markets, the exchange with the Dollar was 1,15. Then it dropped till 0,85 in October, 2000; but it jumped till 1,60 in the...
Discover 28 November 2013 by My T-Advisor Analyzing my portfolio with T-Advisor T-Advisor suite for wealth management is a resource for investors to obtain the best information from their positions. The different tools offer the real situation of the investments and several data to analyse them and take decisions. T-Advisor has the...
News 25 November 2013 by My T-Advisor Financial planning: any new trend in sight? The immediate answer to the question at the top is clear: of course, a wide range of changes are taking places and creating next trends in the advisors industry. Beyond the crisis and the economic transformation that we all are...
Our Charts 21 November 2013 by My T-Advisor ETF flows follow the US hesitations ETF industry changes the strength of their inflows following US hesitations and sighs. The QE tapering or not, the debt ceiling, the continuous uncertainty in the American economic policy conditioned last six months for ETF investors. The effects are clear,...
News 18 November 2013 by My T-Advisor European banks: new landscape after the crisis European banking sector changed deeply in the last years as a result of the long crisis since 2007. The branch experienced a lot of different events, such direct recapitalizations and nationalisations. Nobody could have bet for it before 2007, but...
T-Advisorpedia 14 November 2013 by My T-Advisor ETF, an easy way to perform in the market Exchange Traded Funds, broadly known by its initials ETF, are a kind of security available in Stock Exchange. As they are listed in the markets, they work as stocks, although they have some features from mutual funds. As a stock,...
News 12 November 2013 by My T-Advisor ECB rate cut: possible impact and effects Mario Draghi and ECB Board decision of an interest rate cut last week surprised investors and markets. Traditionally, the European monetary policy institution rejected sudden rate cuts, but last inflation figures (from +1,1% in September to +0,7% in October for...