Country report

Country report

by My T-Advisor

Chile: when copper is not enough

Chile is one of the most stable and developed economies in Latin America. In these last years of the Great Depression, the country increases its GDP with a very good strength. However, the economy suffered a drop in their growth...
IFO business climate chart

Country report

by My T-Advisor

Germany: opportunities in slower pace

Germany is in the heart of Europe and is also somehow a heart for the European economy. The Great Recession experienced since 2007 affected deeply the European Union. In the middle of the discussions amongst the EU partners, Germany has...
Foreign investment in Brazil since 1995

Country report

by My T-Advisor

Brazil: emerging opportunities

Brazil, the Latin-American biggest country, the member of the BRICS group (with Russia, India, China and South Africa) and one the main emerging countries deals with two challenges: a bigger recession than expected and a presidential election in October with a...