LEGAL NOTICE AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF T-ADVISOR SERVICE These General Terms and conditions for T-Advisor Service govern the purchase of the T- Advisor TechRules service of TechRules S.A., a company duly incorporated under the laws of Spain, with registered office at Ronda de la Buganvilla del Rey, 131, Madrid, with Tax Identification Number A-82682352, and registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid on Sheet Number M-254.817. The customer must read this Legal Information carefully. When accessing the website, through the web browser or a mobile device. Therefore, this Legal Notice and Terms and Conditions for the Purchase of the Service apply to both, the user should take into account that for mobile applications, the service is more limited than through the website. Additionally, the conditions are applied for the web browser and for mobile devices, both for clients with the free service and clients who choose the premium service. The service is more limited for the free version than for the premium service. The customer expressly undertakes, by marking the relevant acceptance box, to respect the terms and conditions of this Legal Notice, whose content could change over time. We therefore suggest that the content of this Legal Notice is checked on a regular basis. In the event of significant changes, we will contact the customer in order to request their express consent to such changes. If the customer does not agree with these clauses, they may exit this Internet service. Having accepted that any future amendment to these current clauses will be binding on them from the time of their access to the website, we remind the customer of the importance of periodically reviewing their content. However, in the event of any significant changes, TechRules will request the express consent of the customers to such changes. 1. LEGAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND ACCEPTANCE 1.1. The Agreement governed by these Legal Terms and Conditions These legal terms and conditions (hereinafter, the “Legal Terms and Conditions”) govern the agreement (hereinafter, the “Agreement”) entered into between TechRules, S.A. (hereinafter, “TechRules”) and you (hereinafter, the “Customer”) with respect to the services provided to the Customer by means of Adwise TechRules (hereinafter, the “Services”) via the Internet and on the URL hereinafter, the “Website”), and which may include: (i) Watchlist, (ii) T-Report and (iii) Investment Opportunities, (iv) Graphs and (v) My T-Advisor, (vi) My Favorite List, (vii) Compare, (viii) Portfolio Optimizer and (xix) My Portfolios (hereinafter, the “Functions”). All these functionalities are available only for paying clients. For customers who use the free version, might not have access to all functionalities, as well as access might have less functionality. TechRules reserves the right to amend these Legal Terms and Conditions at any time, in which case it will publish the new version thereof on the Website, and will contact the Customer with respect to any significant amendments. Give that the Service and the Functions are purchased during the period of time established for each one of them, the new Legal Terms and Conditions will only be applicable to the Customer from the next purchase thereof, by marking the relevant acceptance box. 1.2. Subject matter of the Legal Terms and Conditions These Legal Terms and Conditions govern the provision of the Service by TechRules to the Customer and the consideration payable by the Customer to TechRules, as well as the conditions for the use of the Service by the Customer. 1.3. Acceptance of the Legal Terms and Conditions Clicking on the “I acce pt” button at the end of the page of Legal Terms and Conditions, after having marked the relevant acceptance box and completed/confirmed the required details on the pages for purchase of the Service (hereinafter, the “Purchase Form”), implies becoming a Customer of the Service, as well as full and express acceptance without reservation by the Customer of all of the Legal Terms and Conditions. 2 THE SERVICE 2.1. Definition of the Service and its Functions 2.1.1. The Service The Service purchased by the Customer shall offer the specific Functions expressly purchased by means of the Purchase Form. 2.1.2. The Functions The Functions that may be purchased by the Customer as part of the Service are as follows: WatchList Watchlist is an easy-to-use but effective financial analysis tool which allows the user (i) to compare the benefits and/or risks (return, volatility, VaR, etc.) of the components of the main indices and/or of groups of securities, financial instruments or markets previously indicated by the user (ii) to order the components of such indices and/or securities or financial instruments on the basis of variables chosen by the user, and (iii) to obtain general recommendations. T-Reports T-Reports is a computer tool which allows the user to obtain: (i) full market reports on securities and financial instruments (information on data of the last trading day, automatic comments, historical returns and volatilities, risk analysis and relative returns, etc.) and (ii) general recommendations regarding such securities and financial instruments. This computer tool may also allow access to other tools or services. T-Report is an online tool that allows: (i) comprehensive market reports about assets and other financial instruments (information from the last session, automated commentaries, performances and historical volatilities, risk analysis and historical returns, etc.) y (ii) general recommendations. My T-Advisor My T-Advisoris an online tool which allows to obtain automated and customized alerts for your portfolio and individual security. With this tool you can (i) Track portfolio value, returns, volatily, VaR, trend, score, etc. (ii) Monitor the price, returns and score of an individual security in or out of your portfolio and (iii) Track T-Advisor trading signals. Investment Opportunities Investment Opportunities is a financial analysis tool that allows: (i) obtain general recommendations both daily or weekly about long/short investment strategies from assets or other financial instruments, (ii) categorize this general recommendations according by risk, geographical area, etc. and (iii) obtain always a historic and specified alerts about their asset performance (reach a certain level of profitability). Graphs (not available for mobile devices) Graphs is a computer tool which allows the user (i) to view price trends in different formats and frequencies, and (ii) includes customizable technical indicators and (iii) the possibility of graphs of relative performance. My Favorite List My Favorite List is an online tool that allows: (i) create your own list. Just enter the tickers or names for the stocks you’d like to keep an eye on. (ii) Analize their performance (Watchlist), (iii) A comparison among them (Compare) and (iv) a comprehensive report for each of them (T-Report). Compare (not available for mobile devices) Compare is an online tool that allows: (i) Compare the cumulative performance and the historical performance of the values you have selected and (ii) the help of a graphing tool where you can select the period and currency calculation. Portfolio Optimizer (available only for the Premium service. not available for mobile devices) Porftolio Optimizer is an online tool that allows: (i) the calculation of the optimal capital weightings for a basket of investments that gives the highest return for the least risk, (ii) apply optimization analysis to a portfolio represents an excellent framework for driving capital allocation, investment, and divestment decisions and (iii) is written in the context of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). It simply assumes that most investors dislike risk, and will make decisions based on maximizing returns for a level of risk that is acceptable to them. My Portfolio My Portfolio is an online tool that allows (i) to get your portfolio’s performance and stay on track towards achieving your goals, (ii) make better investment decisions with purpose-built analytics, (iii) follow your portfolio’s performance on a regular basis to ensure that you’re on track to reaching your investment goals and (iv) evaluate your portfolio’s rate of return and compare your portfolio’s performance against various benchmarks. 2.2. Conditions of access to the Service 2.2.1. Conditionsofelegibility Only those persons of legal age under their respective domestic laws may purchase the Service and therefore acquire the status of Customer, as well as companies. TechRules reserves the right to check by the means that it deems most appropriate the actual age of the persons that purchase the Service, and to interrupt the Service in the event that it suspects that such person may be under age. 2.2.2. Technical Conditions In order to be provided the Service, the Customer’s computer system must meet the following technical requirements: Web Version: – Version 8.0 or a higher version of the “Internet Explorer” browser or “Google Chrome” browser. Mobile Version: – Mobile with IOS 6.0 operating system or above. – Mobile Android 2.2 operating system or above. Once the Service has been purchased, TechRules shall not be responsible for the errors, defects or unsuitability of the Customer’s computer system. 2.3. Requirements prior to purchase, confirmation and completion of the Purchase Form In order to access, purchase and use the Service it is essential that the Customer is a registered user of T-Advisor, given that the Service shall require the use of user ID (Login) and a Password (hereinafter, the “Login ID”). If the Customer is not a registered user of T-ADVISOR they may register on the Website. The Internet user who wishes to purchase the Service and become a Customer must complete the Purchase Form, as well as provide the other personal details indicated therein, in accordance with Clause 6 of these Terms and Conditions. 2.4. Guarantee of compliance with the terms and conditions of access to the Service The Customer represents that it shall comply with the terms and conditions of access to the Service set out in this Clause 2, and guarantees that all of the information provided by them in the Service Purchase Form is true and accurate. 2.5. Confirmation of purchase and invoicing (only for the Premium service) Once a Function of the Service has been purchased, the Customer shall have the possibility of printing the confirmation of the purchase made. TechRules shall send to the Customer’s e-mail address the invoice for the purchase made. In any event, if the Customer is regarded as a consumer under the laws of their country of residence, TechRules shall send them an e-mail confirming the purchase made within a period of 72 hours from purchase of the Service. 3.TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE OF THE SERVICE 3.1 Payment (only for the Premium service) 3.1.1 Price As a consideration for the obligations assumed by TechRules, the Customer shall pay the price for the Functions chosen as part of the Service (hereinafter, the “Price”). Such Price does not include value added tax or any other direct or indirect taxes that may be applicable. The table of prices is available on the Website. 3.1.2 Method of Payment A single payment shall be made for the price by means of the credit or debit card indicated by the Customer in the Purchase Form. 3.1.3 Timing of Payment The Customer shall pay the fare in advance to enjoy the same period, in the same time of subscription. 3.2 Correct use of the service The Customer undertakes to use the Functions of the Service and the Website as required by law, correct moral conduct and generally accepted good practice and public order, as well as to refrain from using them for illegal ends or purposes, prohibited in these Legal Terms and Conditions, detrimental to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any other way may damage, disable, overburden or impair the Service and/or the Website, the computer systems of other Customers or of other Internet users (hardware and software), as well as the documents, files and any kind of contents stored on their computer systems (hacking), or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of such Service, of the Website, of the purchased services and of the computer systems, documents, files and contents by the other Customers and of other Internet users. The Customer agrees to use the Service solely and exclusively on a private basis and not for commercial purposes. 3.3 Correct use of the products of the Service The Customer agrees to use any of the Functions of the Service and the results obtained by means thereof, diligently, correctly and as required by law, correct moral conduct and generally accepted good practice and public order and by these Legal Terms and Conditions. In particular, but without limitation, the Customer undertakes to refrain from (a) reproducing or copying, distributing, allowing the access of the public through any means of public communication, changing or amending the Website, the Functions of the Service and/or the results obtained by means thereof, unless they have the authorization of the owner of the relevant rights; (b) deleting, avoiding or changing the copyright and other data identifying the rights of the owners inherent to the Website, to the Functions of the Service and to the results obtained by means thereof, as well as the technical protection devices, fingerprints or any information mechanisms on which they are contained; (c) obtaining and endeavoring to obtain the Functions accessible through the Service, by using for such purpose means or procedures other than those that have been provided or indicated in each case to such end. 3.4 Use and safekeeping of the Login ID The Login ID is personal and non-transferrable. The Customer undertakes to use the Login ID with care, to comply with the security rules that are made known to them, as applicable, by TechRules, and to keep such Login ID confidential. As soon as is practically possible and so that TechRules may disable the Login ID, the Customer undertakes to notify it of its loss, theft and/or non-authorised, incorrect or fraudulent use. In any event, until TechRules has received from the Customer the request for the disabling of the Login ID, together with the information necessary for disabling it, the Customer shall meet the fees for the use of the Services by any third party that uses their Login ID, as well as bear any legal liability that may arise from the use of the Service. The Customer shall not be liable for the fees for the use of the Services by a third party who uses the Login ID of the Customer, when such use is due to an administrative or management error of TechRules or any other reason attributable to TechRules. Notwithstanding the above, TechRules may at any time and without the need for prior notice (although it shall later notify the Customer), unilaterally amend, cancel or revoke the Login ID initially allocated, in order to unify the various Login ID of the Customer in the different services offered by TechRules, for reasons of security, needs of the service, excessive number of errors in the entering thereof, record of the fact that the Customer has used it for purposes other than those set out this Agreement or for any other reason. 3.5 Withdrawal and suspension of access to the Service TechRules may withdraw or suspend, at any time and without the need for prior notice, at its own discretion or at the request of a third party, the Service provided to those Customers that breach the provisions of these Legal Terms and Conditions. 3.6 Use of the Service under the exclusive responsibility of the Customer and the features thereof The Customer is aware and willingly accepts that they shall use the Service at all times under their exclusive responsibility. The Functions have been designed on a general basis, and therefore the financial analysis that they contain takes the form of general information and recommendations or analysis based on objective factors (statistical methods based on the trend in a set of prices), on a series of premises or axioms (distinct premises could give rise to distinct results) and on sources regarded as reliable (however, TechRules, S.A. cannot expressly or implicitly guarantee the accuracy, unequivocal nature and/or completeness thereof). TechRules has an extensive database of international financial markets updated on a daily basis (“daily basis” refers to business days in the capital city of Madrid, local Madrid time of 08:30 hours to 18:30 hours (GMT +1), except for the non-business days of the different Stock Exchanges and Financial Markets with which each of the Functions may work), and shall make its best efforts to meet the needs of its customers at all times, but shall not be responsible for such sources, and the absence of any asset shall in no way be regarded as breach of this Agreement. The Functions of the Service, the use that the Customer may make thereof and/or their content may in no way be regarded as personalized advice with respect to investments, and: – do not contain personalized recommendations; – do not take into account the know-how and experience of the Customer or of the person acting on their behalf, or their financial standing or investment objectives, and are not based on any other of their personal circumstances (family circumstances or wealth, risk aversion, prior professional circumstances, volume of the portfolio, liquidly requirements, expected period of investment, geographical or sector preferences, etc.) or on any pre-allocated investment profile; – as a result of the above, the recommendations included (or the securities or financial instruments which they assess) may not be suited to the personal circumstances of the Customer or of the person acting on their behalf or fulfill the requirements laid down by the jurisdiction in which they reside; and – although they are subject to the applicable laws of Spain, they are not subject in Spain to the need of TechRules to obtain prior authorization or the specific supervision of the Spanish Securities Market Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores) or of any other European regulatory body. The content to which the Functions give access reflects at the time of issue the opinion of their author, may be amended without any prior notice, and does not need to be updated by law. TechRules (its directors, executives and employees, as well as affiliated companies) could have significant ties with the issuer’s subject of analysis, which could give rise to conflicts of interest. However, it has an internal code of conduct which governs, among other matters, potential conflicts of interests, in order to appropriately avoid and manage such conflicts. In particular, it should be noted that: – provided that the restrictions and procedures set forth in the aforementioned internal code of conduct are respected, TechRules, its directors, executives and employees, or affiliated companies, could currently (or in the future): (i) be engaged in commercial relations with the companies analysed by the Functions, providing them services of any kind and receiving financial considerations from the latter or receiving services and paying the relevant financial considerations, (ii) have a position, significant or not and direct or indirect, in such companies or have rights of any kind for the acquisition of such position, (iii) be providing verbally or in writing to third parties market comments, recommendations or investment strategies which may be conflicting or opposing, or which are not consistent with the information provided in the Functions, and (iv) be taking investment decisions which are conflicting or inconsistent. – notwithstanding the above: (i) the persons responsible for the preparation of the financial analysis which, as applicable, is generated by the Functions, do not receive any specific payment or compensation as a direct or indirect result of the meaning or content of the general recommendation made, (ii) unless the issuer subject of analysis is the same entity as that which divulges this information, the results of the Functions are not disclosed to such issuer before their general disclosure, and (iii) on no account is their prior correction permitted. The result of the Functions is provided for purely informative purposes and does not constitute any offer of sale or purchase of securities, or an invitation or solicitation of purchase or subscription of securities or other instruments for the execution or cancellation of investments, either in Spain or abroad. It may not therefore serve as the basis for any kind of agreement, undertaking or decision. Investments in securities are subject to risks (market, counterpart, liquidity, operational and currency risks, etc.), the price of the securities or financial instruments may fluctuate up or down, their past performance does not guarantee their future performance, and their past returns do not imply or ensure future returns. In this regard, TechRules is not under the obligation to expressly indicate the specific risks associated with each security or instrument analyzed, and therefore advises the Customer to seek the advice of their own advisors. As a result of the above, the Customer or the person acting on their behalf shall be fully liable for their investment decisions, and if they should wish to be advised personally they should approach their own legal, tax or financial advisors. TechRules shall therefore in no way be liable for the damages or the tax, financial or any other kind of consequences resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the information to which such Functions give access. The Customer shall be solely liable for the damages of any kind that may be sustained by TechRules as a result of the breach of any of the obligations to which the Customer is subject under these Legal Terms and Conditions or the law, in connection with the use of the Service. 3.7 Disclaimer 3.7.1 WatchList WatchList is an efficient and online tool which allows: (i) Compare the benefits and/or risks (return, volatility, VaR, etc.) of the components of the main indices and/or of groups of securities, financial instruments or markets previously indicated by the user (ii) Order the components of such indices and/or securities or financial instruments on the basis of variables chosen by the user (iii) To establish correlations between them (iv) Obtain general recommendations. This tool also allows access to other tools or services. Neither Watchlist nor the other tools or services giving access, may be considered, in any case, as personalized advice on investments. Content that provides access to Watchlist represents the judgment of the author as of the date of issue and subject to change without prior notice (TechRules, SA has no obligation to update the information and recommendations contained herein generic, or to communicate to the user any of the changes that occur or that the said information or inadequate bearing generic recommendations). Please note that, in the acceptance of the legal notice and general conditions of T- Advisor, he provides important and makes a series of statements and express equally valid acceptances for each session. 3.7.2 T-Reports T-Reports is an online tool which allows: (i) Comprehensive market reports on securities and financial instruments (information on data of the last trading day, automatic comments, historical returns and volatilities, risk analysis and relative returns, etc.) (ii) General recommendations regarding such securities and financial instruments This tool also allows access to other tools or services. Neither T-Report nor the other tools or services giving access, may be considered, in any case, as personalized advice on investments. Content that provides access to T-Report represents the judgment of the author as of the date of issue and subject to change without prior notice (TechRules, SA has no obligation to update the information and recommendations contained herein generic, or to communicate to the user any of the changes that occur or that the said information or inadequate bearing generic recommendations). Please note that, in the acceptance of the legal notice and general conditions of T- Advisor, he provides important and makes a series of statements and express equally valid acceptances for each session. 3.7.3 My T-Advisor My T-Advisor is an online tool which allows to obtain automated and easily customize alerts For your portfolio and individual securities. (i) Track portfolio value, returns, volatily, VaR, trend, score, etc. (iii) Track T-Advisor trading signals. This tool also allows access to other tools or services. Neither My T-Advisor nor the other tools or services giving access, may be considered, in any case, as personalized advice on investments. Content that provides access to My T-Advisor represents the judgment of the author as of the date of issue and subject to change without prior notice (TechRules, SA has no obligation to update the information and recommendations contained herein generic, or to communicate to the user any of the changes that occur or that the said information or inadequate bearing generic recommendations). Please note that, in the acceptance of the legal notice and general conditions of T- Advisor, he provides important and makes a series of statements and express equally valid acceptances for each session. (ii) Monitor the price, returns and score of an individual security in or out of your portfolio 3.7.4 Investment Oportunities Investment Opportunities is a financial analtyic tool which allows: (i) Obtain general recommendations both daily or weekly about long/short investment strategies from assets or other financial instruments, (ii) Categorize this general recommendations according by risk, geographical area, etc. (iii) Obtain always a historic and specified alerts about the assets performance. This tool also allows access to other tools or services. Neither Investment Opportunities nor the other tools or services giving access, may be considered, in any case, as personalized advice on investments. Content that provides access to Investment Opportunities represents the judgment of the author as of the date of issue and subject to change without prior notice (TechRules, SA has no obligation to update the information and recommendations contained herein generic, or to communicate to the user any of the changes that occur or that the said information or inadequate bearing generic recommendations). Please note that, in the acceptance of the legal notice and general conditions of T- Advisor, he provides important and makes a series of statements and express equally valid acceptances for each session. 3.7.5 Graphs Graphs is a tool which allows: (i) Display the evolution of prices in different formats or graphics online and frequencies. (ii) Includes technical indicators graphics and the possibility of relative performance. This tool also allows access to other tools or services. Neither Graphs nor the other tools or services giving access, may be considered, in any case, as personalized advice on investments. Content that provides access to Graphs represents the judgment of the author as of the date of issue and subject to change without prior notice (TechRules, SA has no obligation to update the information and recommendations contained herein generic, or to communicate to the user any of the changes that occur or that the said information or inadequate bearing generic recommendations). Please note that, in the acceptance of the legal notice and general conditions of T- Advisor, he provides important and makes a series of statements and express equally valid acceptances for each session. 3.7.6 My Favorite List My Favorite List is an online tool which allows: (i) Create your own list. Just enter the tickers or names for the stocks you’d like to keep an eye on (ii) Analize their performance (Watchlist) (iii) A comparison among them (Compare) (iv) A comprehensive report for each of them (T-Report). This tool also allows access to other tools or services. Neither My Favorite List nor the other tools or services giving access, may be considered, in any case, as personalized advice on investments. Content that provides access to My Favorite List represents the judgment of the author as of the date of issue and subject to change without prior notice (TechRules, SA has no obligation to update the information and recommendations contained herein generic, or to communicate to the user any of the changes that occur or that the said information or inadequate bearing generic recommendations). Please note that, in the acceptance of the legal notice and general conditions of T- Advisor, he provides important and makes a series of statements and express equally valid acceptances for each session. 3.7.7 Compare Compare is an online tool which allows: (i) Be able to compare the cumulative performance and the historical performance of the values that you selected. (ii) With the help of the Graph Tool you can select the period of time and the currency calculation This tool also allows access to other tools or services. Neither Compare nor the other tools or services giving access, may be considered, in any case, as personalized advice on investments. Content that provides access to Compare represents the judgment of the author as of the date of issue and subject to change without prior notice (TechRules, SA has no obligation to update the information and recommendations contained herein generic, or to communicate to the user any of the changes that occur or that the said information or inadequate bearing generic recommendations). Please note that, in the acceptance of the legal notice and general conditions of T- Advisor, he provides important and makes a series of statements and express equally valid acceptances for each session. 3.7.8 Portfolio Optimizer Portfolio Optimizer is a tool which allows: (i) The calculation of the optimal capital weightings for a basket of investments that gives the highest return for the least risk. (ii) Apply optimization analysis to a portfolio represents an excellent framework for driving capital allocation, investment, and divestment decisions. (iii) Is written in the context of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). It simply assumes that most investors dislike risk, and will make decisions based on maximizing returns for a level of risk that is acceptable to them. This tool also allows access to other tools or services. Neither Portfolio Optimizer nor the other tools or services giving access, may be considered, in any case, as personalized advice on investments. Content that provides access to Portfolio Optimizer represents the judgment of the author as of the date of issue and subject to change without prior notice (TechRules, SA has no obligation to update the information and recommendations contained herein generic, or to communicate to the user any of the changes that occur or that the said information or inadequate bearing generic recommendations). Please note that, in the acceptance of the legal notice and general conditions of T- Advisor, he provides important and makes a series of statements and express equally valid acceptances for each session. 3.7.9 My Portfolio My Portfolio is an online tool which allows: (i) To get your portfolio’s performance and stay on track towards achieving your goals. (ii) Make better investment decisions with purpose-built analytics. (iii) Follow your portfolio’s performance on a regular basis to ensure that you’re on track to reaching your investment goals (iv) Evaluate your portfolio’s rate of return and compare your portfolio’s performance against various benchmarks This tool also allows access to other tools or services. Neither My Portfolio nor the other tools or services giving access, may be considered, in any case, as personalized advice on investments. Content that provides access to My Portfolio represents the judgment of the author as of the date of issue and subject to change without prior notice (TechRules, SA has no obligation to update the information and recommendations contained herein generic, or to communicate to the user any of the changes that occur or that the said information or inadequate bearing generic recommendations). Please note that, in the acceptance of the legal notice and general conditions of T- Advisor, he provides important and makes a series of statements and express equally valid acceptances for each session. 3.7.10 Investment Planning Investment Planning is an online tool which allows: (i) Goal Setting, Analyze & Rebalance Tools (ii) Risk Profiling (iii) Goal setting tool This tool also allows access to other tools or services. Neither Investment Planning nor the other tools or services giving access, may be considered, in any case, as personalized advice on investments. Content that provides access to Investment Planning represents the judgment of the author as of the date of issue and subject to change without prior notice (TechRules, SA has no obligation to update the information and recommendations contained herein generic, or to communicate to the user any of the changes that occur or that the said information or inadequate bearing generic recommendations). Please note that, in the acceptance of the legal notice and general conditions of T- Advisor, he provides important and makes a series of statements and express equally valid acceptances for each session. 4. LIMITATION AND/OR WAIVER OF WARRANTIES AND LIABILITY FOR THE SERVICE AND THE PRODUCTS OFFERED THROUGH THE SERVICE 4.1 Waiver of warranties and liability for the Service 4.1.1 Availability TechRules shall make its best efforts to ensure that the Service is available, on a permanent basis, twenty-four (24) hours of the day during the period of duration of the specific Functions forming the Service. However, TechRules cannot fully guarantee the availability, continuity, or in general, the normal functioning of the Service and its Functions. 4.1.2 Liability for temporary or permanent unavailability Interruptions TechRules shall be responsible for the unavailability of the Service solely and exclusively in the event that the provision thereof is interrupted due to causes attributable to TechRules, during a period of more than 72 hours of trading in Spain from Monday to Friday; and for a period of over 144 hours during weekends and national holidays of the capital city of Madrid. In this regard, the following shall not be treated as causes attributable to TechRules: IT failures, telephone faults, disconnections, delays or blocking caused by defects or overloads in telephone lines, data centres, the Internet system or in other electronic systems, arising while in operation or as a result of other damages that may be caused by third parties by means of nonauthorised interferences beyond the control of TechRules. The interruptions that may, as applicable, be experienced by the Service or the Function shall be counted from the time when TechRules receives notice from the Customer until the time when the Service or Function is effectively restored. In the event that the interruptions in the Service or Function exceed the time limits set forth in the foregoing paragraph, TechRules shall be required to return to the Customer the amount paid for the interrupted Service or Function (as applicable) that has effectively been received by TechRules. This is the only compensation that TechRules is under the obligation to pay to the Customer for the damages of any kind that the Customer may sustain as a result of the unavailability of the Service or Function. Impossibility of continued performance of the Service In the event that due to any circumstance not attributable to TechRules, it is impossible for TechRules to continue providing the Service or a specific Function on a permanent basis, TechRules shall return to the Customer the amount paid for such Service or specific Function that had effectively been received by TechRules. This is the only compensation that TechRules is under the obligation to pay to the Customer for the damages of any kind that the Customer may sustain as a result of the permanent interruption of the service. Usefulnes and reliability Although TechRules implements the security measures provided for by Title VIII of Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, which approves the Implementing Regulations of the Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on Personal Data Protection, TechRules does not guarantee the usefulness of the Service for the performance of any activity in particular nor its total reliability. TechRules waives any liability for the damages of any kind that may result from the unavailability or discontinuance of the service, from the failure of the Service to meet the expectations of the Customer in terms of its usefulness, and from faults in the Service, and in particular, although without limitation, from failures in the access to the various web pages of the Service. Privacy and security in the use of the Service TechRules does not guarantee the privacy and security of the use of the Service, and in particular, does not guarantee that non-authorized third parties may not have knowledge of the kind, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of use of the Service by the Customers. TechRules waives any kind of liability for the damages of any nature that may arise from the knowledge that non-authorized third parties may have of the kind, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of use of the Service by the Customers. Viruses TechRules does not guarantee the absence of viruses or of any other elements on the Website or in the Service or Functions, introduced by third parties unrelated to TechRules, which may cause alterations to the physical or computer systems of the Customers or to the electronic documents and files stored in their systems. As a result, TechRules shall in no way be liable for any damages of any kind that may arise as a result of the presence of viruses or other elements which may cause alterations to the physical or computer systems, electronic documents or files of the Customers. 5. LICENSE OF USE TechRules authorizes the Customer to use the purchased Service in accordance with the provisions of these Legal Terms and Conditions. TechRules does not grant any license or authorization of use of any kind over its intellectual property rights or over any other property or right related to the Service and the Functions thereof. In this regard, the Customer expressly acknowledges that all industrial and intellectual property rights over the Website, the Service, the Functions and the results thereof shall continue under all circumstances to be the exclusive property of TechRules. 6. COMPUTERISED PROCESING OF PERSONAL DATA The Internet user who wishes to activate the Service and become a Customer thereof shall provide TechRules with the personal data requested in the Purchase Form, completing the relevant sections. TechRules shall process the Personal Data by computerized means for the uses and purposes, as well as subject to the conditions, defined in the personal data protection policy published on (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”). By means of the completion/confirmation and sending of the relevant Purchase Form, after having marked the relevant acceptance box, the Customer accepts and authorizes the computerized processing of their Personal Data by TechRules in the terms indicated in the Privacy Policy. TechRules, as controller of the computerized database, guarantees full compliance with the laws on Personal Data Protection. In accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on Personal Data Protection, the Customer is informed and gives their consent to the inclusion of their data in a computerized databases existing at TechRules, and to the computerized processing thereof, as well as of the data to which TechRules has access as a result of queries, requests or purchases with respect to any service or product, in order to send commercial communications of products or services of TechRules that we understand may be of interest to the Customer, including electronic commercial communications for the purposes of Article 21 of the Act 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, of the maintenance of the contractual relationship and of the management of TechRules, in order to adjust our commercial offers to your particular profile and to carry out, as applicable, assessment models, guaranteeing at all times the right of the Customer to be informed of the criteria and programs used. The recipients of such data shall be the commercial and technical services thereof. The Customer is also informed of the possibility of exercising their rights of access, correction, cancellation and opposition, in the terms established in the applicable legislation, using for such purpose the e-mail In any event, the Customer may contact TechRules, S.A. at all times in writing at TechRules, S.A., Customer Service Department, Calle Virgilio, 2 Edificio 2-2ª planta-28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, (Madrid). The Customer accepts that their data may be transferred, exclusively for the purposes referred to in paragraph one, to companies belonging to the Group, which may be located within the European Economic Area or outside such area, in countries which do not offer a level of protection equal to that existing in such Area. The Customer may check which companies belong to the Group by accessing the following link: Likewise, the Customer accepts that TechRules may send them information on any products or services sold by it which may be of interest to the Customer. The acceptance by the Customer of the processing or transfer of their data as set forth in this paragraph, is revocable at all times, without retroactive effect, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 6 and 11 of the Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on Personal Data Protection. The Customer may deny the consent given at any time or exercise any of the rights indicated through the channels detailed in the foregoing paragraph. It shall only be necessary to provide the identification details, as well as the data required by law. The rest of the data provided on a voluntary basis is requested exclusively for the purpose set forth in paragraph one. 7. NOTICES Any notices, amendments and communications made by TechRules to the Customer shall be regarded as effective for all purposes, when they are made by e-mail to the address provided by the Customer in the Service Purchase Form. The communications of the Customer to TechRules must be made to the following e-mail address: Both the communications sent by TechRules and the communications sent to TechRules shall be made in Spanish or English. The Customer expressly accepts that the official language in which the communications between TechRules and the Customer shall be made shall be Spanish. 8. ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS TechRules may assign the Agreement or the rights arising from the Agreement to any company of the group, being required to notify the Customer in the terms set forth in Clause 7, but without the need to request the prior authorization of the latter. However, the Customer may not assign or transfer its position in this Agreement or the rights and obligations arising there from, without the prior express consent in writing of TechRules. 9. PROCEDURE IN THE EVENT OF THE INFRINGMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS In the event that any Customer or third party deems that the providing of any of the Functions by means of the Service infringes their intellectual property rights, such Customer or third party shall send notice to TechRules containing the following items: (a) Personal Data: name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the claimant; (b) authentic signature or equivalent, with the Personal Data of the owner of the allegedly infringed intellectual property rights or of the person authorised to act on their behalf of the owner of the allegedly infringed intellectual property rights; (c) full and specific indication of the Functions of the Service protected by means of the allegedly infringed intellectual property rights, as well as of their location; (d) an express and clear statement that the providing of the Functions of the Service indicated have been provided without the consent of the owner of the allegedly infringed intellectual property rights; (e) an express and clear statement, under the responsibility of the claimant that the information provided in the notice is accurate and that the inclusion of the Functions of the Service constitute an infringement of their intellectual property rights; (f) clear and specific identification of the allegedly infringed intellectual property rights and of the works and/or products protected by them, as well as proof of ownership of such rights, furnishing the necessary documentation to such end. Such notices shall be sent to: The Customer or any third party expressly accept that the language for any communications shall be Spanish and releases TechRules from any liability for failure to reply to or acknowledge the receipt of any communication that is sent in another language. TechRules may freely withdraw from the Service those products regarding which a notice has been sent in the terms set forth in the foregoing paragraph. 10. TERM The Agreement shall have for each Function a term equal to the period of duration of such Function purchased by the Customer. Such term shall be counted from the date on which the relevant Function is purchased. 11. TERMINATION The completion of the period of duration of the purchased Function shall be regarded as a cause for the automatic termination of the Agreement. In any event, TechRules reserves the right to deny or discontinue access to the Service, at any time and without the need for prior notice, to any Customers that breach these Legal Terms and Conditions. 12.GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION The provision and use of the Service forming the subject matter of this Agreement shall be governed by Spanish law, and with regard to any dispute, the Parties submit to the jurisdiction of the capital city of Madrid, expressly waving any other jurisdiction. 13. SEVERABILITY In the event that any clause contained in these Terms and Conditions is or becomes unenforceable or invalid under the applicable law, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not result in the enforceability or invalidity of all of the terms and conditions and/or of the Agreement, and where applicable, such clause shall be amended or construed in the best way possible in order to fulfill its intended objective when establishing it. 14.ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICE I have read and understood each and every one of the events listed above. With full intellectual and volitional faculties, and recognizing that can be used as evidence against my interests or the interests of the person they represent in an eventual judicial or administrative proceeding or off it, expressly accept its content as true and in particular, exemptions from liability, risk statements and the fact that the tools that are requesting access financial analysis tools and, in any case, can be considered as personalized advice on investments. Furthermore, I express reiterate statements made and acceptances at the first of the sessions that I had access to this tool set and explicitly agree that this reiteration and statements included above and acceptances are valid both for the first session and for subsequent sessions that have access to this particular application.