
The best professional

portfolio alerts

for your investments

T-Advisor is a collection of advanced wealth management tools, allowing you to monitor your personal finances, make investment decisions and reduce risks. We provide detailed information on the asset with charts showing the other relevant information.

T-Advisor allows you to be your own investment manager. You make your own decisions using a professional tool with the most up-to-date data.

Follow these four steps to use efficiently our tools:

Portfolio alerts

Portfolio alerts

Portfolio Watchlist

Create your own list of different assets.

Select these assets from popular stock exchanges, fund managers and individual shares. Choose your favourite assets and compare their performance, returns and risks using our charting tool. Discover global trends with detailed information on the different regions and countries using this feature.

Monitor your selections with information on:

  • The change in price over different time‐frames.
  • The asset’s risk and volatility.
  • The prevailing trend and investment cycle.
  • In-depth information on the asset using the T‐Report


Receive relevant notifications on your positions.

Set alerts and receive notification of changes in your portfolio. Receive alerts using your preferred device. You don’t need to be logged in or have the platform open to receive alerts.

Select the type of alerts you wish to receive:

  • Risk.
  • Investment opportunities.
  • Changes in trend.
  • Buy/Stop signal.
  • Portfolio performance.

T-Advisor is more than this.
Check more features:

Why are you waiting to join the investment experience?

You are just a step far to become a member of community with the best tools to manage their investments by themselves

Free account
  • Build your portfolio
  • Clone our model portfolios
  • Find new Investment ideas
  • Read our T-Reports
  • Exchange ideas in your wall
  • Invest for a specific aim
  • Set your alerts
  • Monitor your assets
  • Download the app

…… this is only the beginning. Discover more now in T-Advisor!