AAC Neteller main figures in T-Advisor

Market opportunities by T-Advisor: AAC Neteller

Market Opportunities

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T-Advisor, through its tool Market Opportunities, has detected the company AAC Neteller, listed in London, as an opportunity for investment. These are the main figures about performances and volatility in the last years: AAC Neteller main figures in T-Advisor The technical analysis reveals also more data: AAC Neteller technical analysis in T-Advisor The chart shows the evolution i the last year: AAC Neteller chart in T-Advisor Finally, the risk analysis is as follows: AAC Neteller risk analysis in T-Advisor AAC Neteller is a global provider of online and mobile payment processing services to thousands of merchants and millions of consumers. It has several brands for different business lines: Netbanx, Neteller, Optimal Payments Card Services and Net+. The company bought in June Meritus Payment Solutions and Global Merchant Advisors to enter the US payments market. The revenues increased 41% in 2013 till US$ 253.4 million and the net profit jumped from 1.2 million in 2012 to 31.5 million in 2013. After some years very low, the share begun to increase the price in August 2012, when it costed GBP 0.76. Since January 2013, the stock price multiplied four times.

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