Discover the new improvements in T-Advisor Discover 30 October 2014 , No hay comentarios T-Advisor is a suite of advanced and professional investment tools for individuals and advisors. As a technological solution, our team is always working to improve features and usability. We know that perfection is impossible to reach, but we work as it isn’t, so that our users could not find any other better solution than ours. What are the main last improvements? Firstly, the performance chart in your portfolio. You can choose the period to compare your portfolio with the smart benchmark and you can also select another chart to see the portfolio valuation. We have also improved our list of assets, setting categories to find the ones you are looking for. The list has deeply grown: 41 world stock indexes, more than 100 international fund managers, 20 exchanges, as also bonds, certificates and currencies. We have also implemented a new module: our investment planner. We proudly announce this implementation, as we have set an easy-to-use tool: up to 7 different plans (from housing to retirement) and advanced settings to take into account inflation and tax effects. At the end, you obtain a report with a suggested allocation depending your profile and a capital projection for the selected period of investment. In our version for professionals, the upgrade focused in the usability to manage clients and the performance figures related to their investments. This is not the end. T-Advisor is steadily working to develop new features and settings and include a better usability. Our aim is that our users feel totally satisfied managing their investment with us. So many tools just for 0€? Of course! Please enjoy them!